The second PhD By Design conference was held at Goldsmiths on the 5th and 6th of November. The conference was an opportunity to present work and discuss the diverse aspects of what it means to do a practice-based PhD in Design. The conference focus was around 'Researching across difference' leading discussions to think about differences of fields, languages, Institutional boundaries, theory and practice, genders, abilities, countries, communities, audiences, interests....

The two day event included twelve discussion sessions, presentations from leading design researchers Professor Doina Petrescu (University of Sheffield and atelier d'architecture autogérée) and Professor Roberto Feo (Goldsmiths, University of London and El Ultimo Grito), peer-to-peer research skills workshops. All participants presented their research to ensure a supportive and engaged environment in which to share practices, experiences, dilemmas, failures and doubts. This year our discussants included, Nerea Calvillo, Jennifer Gabrys, Bill Gaver, Tobie Kerridge, Sonia Matos, Kim Trogal, Paolo Plotegher, Alex Wilkie, Matt Ward and Joanna Boehnert.
We asked everyone to submit one question related to issues of researching across difference you are discovering within your PhD. This question grouped people into discussion sessions.
You can download the conference programme here.
We are in the process of compiling the event documentation. We will post this on our mailing list, twitter and tumblr when it is ready!